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¡Conviértase en miembro de HCCPG hoy!
Ya sea que su organización sea privada o pública, con fines de lucro o sin fines de lucro, grande o pequeña, una membresía de HCCPG brinda enormes oportunidades para establecer contactos con otras partes interesadas en el mercado del condado de Prince George, fomentando asociaciones entre empresas minoritarias y brindando una voz unificada para defender para los intereses comerciales hispanos.
Platinum Sponsor
10.000US$Cada año- Direct referrals
- Discounted registration fees for all HCCPG events
- Inclusion in our marketing initiatives
- Opportunities to promote your brand and business
- Participation on HCCPG Advisory Committee
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Up to 20 company representatives
- Use of HCCPG logo on your marketing
Gold Sponsor
5000US$Cada año- Direct referrals
- Discounted registration fees for all HCCPG events
- Inclusion in our marketing initiatives
- Opportunities to promote your brand and business
- Participation on HCCPG Advisory Committee
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Up to 15 company representatives
- Use of HCCPG logo on your marketing
Silver Sponsor
2500US$Cada año- Direct referrals
- Discounted registration fees for all HCCPG events
- Inclusion in our marketing initiatives
- Opportunities to promote your brand and business
- Participation on HCCPG Advisory Committee
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Up to 10 company representatives
- Use of HCCPG logo on your marketing
Corporate Sponsor
1000US$Cada año- Direct referrals
- Discounted registration fees for all HCCPG events
- Inclusion in our marketing initiatives
- Opportunities to promote your brand and business
- Participation on HCCPG Advisory Committee
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Up to 5 company representatives
- Use of HCCPG logo on your marketing
Basic Sponsor
500US$Cada año- Direct referrals
- Discounted registration fees for all HCCPG events
- Inclusion in our marketing initiatives
- Opportunities to promote your brand and business
150US$Cada añoIndividual Contributor- Direct referrals
- Inclusion in our marketing initiatives
- Opportunities to promote your brand and business
- Use of HCCPG logo on your marketing
¡Vale la pena ser miembro de HCCPG!
HCCPG lo conecta con una red de personas talentosas, dueños de negocios y profesionales independientes. La membresía también le da acceso a eventos y recursos exclusivos. Nos esforzamos por conectarnos con todas las organizaciones e individuos del condado de Prince George que invierten en la comunidad empresarial hispana
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